8 Most Common Roof Repair Issues

Shingler tanning his tricep while trimming the hip of this roof near Île-des-Chênes.
Shingler tanning his tricep while trimming the hip of this roof near Île-des-Chênes. Multitasking.

Roof repairs are a crucial aspect of homeownership, ensuring the longevity and structural integrity of your property. From harsh weather conditions to wear and tear over time, various factors can lead to the need for repairs. Understanding the most common roof repair issues can help homeowners identify problems early and take proactive measures to address them.

1. Missing or Damaged Shingles

One of the most common repair issues is missing or damaged shingles. Whether due to severe weather conditions or simply wear and tear over time, shingles can become loose, cracked, or entirely dislodged. This exposes the underlying structure of the roof to potential water damage and rot. Ignoring missing or damaged shingles can lead to more extensive issues, including roof leaks and structural damage to the roof deck and attic space. Prompt maintenance, repair or replacement of damaged shingles is essential to maintain the integrity of the roofing system.

2. Roof Leaks and Water Damage

Leaking roofs are a common problem that can result from various issues, including damaged shingles, flashing, or deteriorating sealant around roof penetrations. Water stains on ceilings or walls, mold or mildew growth, and musty odours in the home or sign you have a roof leak somewhere. Water damage can compromise the structural integrity of the roof and pose health risks to occupants due to mold growth. Addressing a leaking roof promptly is crucial to prevent further damage to the roof structure and interior of the home.

3. Flashing Damage

Flashing is installed around roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights to prevent water intrusion. Damage to flashing can occur over time due to exposure to the elements, improper installation, or corrosion of flashing material. Damaged flashing can allow water to seep into the roof system, leading to roof leaks and water damage. Repairing or replacing damaged flashing is necessary to maintain the waterproofing integrity of the roof and prevent moisture-related issues.

4. Clogged Gutters

We all know about clogged gutters! Clogged gutters are another common cause of roof damage, especially during the fall when leaves and debris accumulate in the gutters. When gutters become clogged, water can overflow and seep into the roof structure, causing water damage, mold growth, and rot. Regular gutter cleaning and maintenance are essential to prevent clogs and ensure proper water drainage away from the roof and foundation of the home.

5. Pest Problems

Pest problems are a more common roof repair issue than you might think. Rodents, birds, and insects can find their way into attics and crawl spaces through small openings or damaged areas in the roof. Once inside, they can cause damage by chewing through insulation, wiring, and structural components, as well as leaving behind droppings that pose health risks and unpleasant odours. Termites are also a concern, slowly weakening wooden structures over time. Regular inspection and prompt action to seal entry points and address infestations are crucial for preventing pest-related damage and ensuring the longevity of roofs.

6. Snow and Ice Damage

In regions like Winnipeg, where winters bring heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures, ice and snow damage are common roof issues. The weight of accumulated snow and ice can strain the roof structure, leading to sagging or even collapse in extreme cases. Additionally, the freeze-thaw cycle can cause ice dams to form along the roof edges, leading to shingle water infiltration and into the attic. This can result in water damage to the roof deck, insulation, and interior spaces. Regular maintenance, including snow removal and ensuring proper insulation and ventilation, is essential for preventing ice and snow-related damage and preserving the integrity of the roof.

7. Ponding Water

Ponding water occurs when water accumulates on the roof surface and does not drain properly. This can result from improper roof slope, debris buildup, or clogged drains. Ponding water can accelerate roof deterioration, leading to roof leaks, structural damage, and mold growth. Installing proper drainage systems and addressing any underlying issues with roof slope or drainage can help prevent ponding water.

8. Skylight Issues

Skylights add natural light and ventilation to interior spaces but can also be prone to issues requiring repair. Common problems with skylights include leaks around the perimeter, condensation buildup, and cracks in the glass or seals. Regular maintenance of skylights can help identify issues early and prevent water damage to your home. Repairing or replacing damaged skylights promptly is essential to maintain the integrity of the roofing system.

Addressing roof repairs promptly is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity and longevity of your home. By understanding the most common roofing problems and taking proactive measures to address them, homeowners can prevent costly damage and ensure the continued protection of their property.


  1. How do I know if my roof needs repairs? Signs that your roof needs repairs include missing or broken shingles, sagging or uneven areas, water stains on ceilings or walls, granules in gutters, and increased energy bills. It’s also wise to schedule regular comprehensive inspections by a professional roofing contractor.
  2. Can I repair roof damage myself, or should I hire a professional? While minor repairs like replacing a few shingles may be feasible for DIY enthusiasts, it’s generally recommended to hire a professional for any significant roof repairs. Professionals have the expertise, tools, and safety equipment to ensure repairs are done correctly and safely.
  3. How often should I inspect my roof for damage? It’s advisable to inspect your roof at least twice a year, ideally in the spring and fall. Additionally, after severe weather events such as storms or heavy snowfall, it’s essential to check for any signs of damage promptly.
  4. What part of the roof prevents leaks? The primary components of the roof that prevent roof leaks are the roofing materials, including shingles, tiles, or metal panels. These materials serve as the outermost layer of protection against moisture. Additionally, underlayment, flashing, and sealants play vital roles in creating a watertight barrier that prevent water infiltration. Proper installation and maintenance of these components are essential for ensuring a leak-free roof.
  5. How can I prevent roof damage in the future? Regular maintenance is key to preventing roof damage. This includes keeping gutters clean, trimming overhanging tree branches, inspecting roof for signs of damage, and promptly address any issues. Additionally, scheduling professional roof inspections and maintenance can help identify and address potential problems before they escalate.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free assessment and roof repair quote. Our thorough roof inspection informs us on the condition of your roof, determining what needs to be repaired or replaced.